SEARCHING MADE EASY! Information within the South Lake Business District can easily be found by using the search feature located at the very top of the website. Just type your preferred keyword in the search box and the search results will display all items within the South Lake website containing the selected keywords. Type, Search & See at www.southlakeavenue.org.
The South Lake Business Association's monthly newsletter is a source of information and news for business and property owners within the South Lake Avenue Business District, the City of Pasadena, and residential communities. We are currently accepting submissions for the April 2016 newsletter. If you are a South Lake Avenue business or property owner and would like to participate in the newsletter, please email your submission to slba@southlakeavenue.org by March 20th. Enjoy! The South Lake Business Association
The South Lake Business Association is pleased to announce the launch of our Instagram account!
Follow us on Instagram @SouthLakeAvenue for Special Promotions and photos from our events!
NEW ON THE BLOCK! Bengees Ice Cream Crafters | 901 E. Del Mar Blvd. | 626-673-1865  Bengees Ice Cream Crafters offer handcrafted ice cream. They even serve vegan ice cream! Their grand opening is set to take place in March. Follow them on Instagram to find out details. For more information, please visit Bengees Ice Cream Crafters.
NEW ON THE BLOCK! Saladfarm | 163 S. Lake Avenue | 626-219-6405  Salad Farm offers over 40 varieties of salads, soups, panini sandwiches, quesadillas and baked potatoes. At Salad Farm, they use the freshest ingredients possible. All their menu items are prepared, never processed, every day. They even toss your salad right in front of you! They also offer excellent and efficient catering and delivery for corporate meetings and events. Just give them a call or drop by. You'll be glad you did. For more information, please visit Saladfarm.
TWICE AS NICE! European Wax Center | 569 S. Lake Avenue | 626-449-5000
March 1 - 31, 2016  Download the EWC App, show the GSA's at the desk that you have the app downloaded, and you will receive $5 in points allocated to your account! March 1 - April 30, 2016Purchase a service at full price, receive a service that has not been done or has not been done within the last 6 months, 50% off! The higher priced service is the one that will receive the 50% off! For more information, pl ease visit European Wax Center.
FLY FISHING 101 CLASSES! Orvis Sporting Traditions | 345 S. Lake Avenue | 626-356-8000
March 12 - June 18, 2016FREE Fly Fishing 101 classes are here! Classes, which are held on Saturdays, are free and all equipment is provided. You will also receive exclusive deals and discounts just for taking the class! Space is limited, reserve your spot today! Please call 626-356-8000 or visit Orvis for information .
WILLIAMS-SONOMA ARTISAN MARKET! Williams-Sonoma | 142 S. Lake Avenue | 626-795-5045
Saturday, March 26 | 11am-3pm(Last Saturday of the month) Williams-Sonoma hosts a monthly Artisan Market outside their store in The Commons courtyard. The market will feature all local vendors selling products such as artisan breads, jams and preserves, chocolates, confections, flowers and fresh produce. Schedule subject to change. For more information, please visit Williams-Sonoma.
GREAT GIFTS & DECOR AT CRAFT FAIR! Craft Fair Gift Shop | 820 E. California Blvd. | 626-449-2068
 Craft Fair Gift Shop is blossoming with impressive gifts and seasonal decor for your St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and springtime celebrations. Shop their vast collection of spectacular hand-crafted items and help support local seniors. Shop hours are 11am - 4pm Wednesday through Saturday. For more information, please call 626-449-2069 or visit Craft Fair Gift Shop.
NEW HAPPY HOUR MENU! Green Street Restaurant | 146 Shoppers Lane | 626-577-7170
 Green Street Restaurant Street introduces their new Happy Hour menu. Try their AA Burger with your choice of draft beer for $10. Draft beers and cocktails are only $5, Monday through Friday 4:30pm to 6:30pm. For more information, please visit Green Street Restaurant.
FREE ART LESSON! Mission: Renaissance | 271 Shoppers Lane | 626-564-0448
 Mission: Renaissance, Fine Art Classes offers a free introductory art lesson for children, teens, and adults! Call 1-800-430-4ART (4278) to schedule a class or please visit Mission Renaissance.
MAR 3 & 8: PUBLIC INPUT SOUGHT  As the City of Pasadena undertakes its search for a new City Manager, the public is encouraged to attend meetings on either March 3 or March 8, 2016 to provide input about the most important qualities which potential candidates should have. Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek said the City Council feels it is important to hear from the residents and other stakeholders about the City Manager position. The meetings will be held: - Thursday, March 3, 2016, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Jackie Robinson Community Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
- Tuesday, March 8, 2016, Noon-1 p.m. at the Villa-Parke Community Center, 363 E. Villa Street
For more information, please visit City of Pasadena.
OUTDOOR WATER RESTRICTIONS!  Beginning Thursday, February 25, Pasadena began prohibiting all customers from watering outdoors, including hand watering, for a period of 15 days until March 10, 2016. The community needs to conserve water while the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) suspends all imported water supply to Pasadena and many of the foothill communities, to make significant upgrades to the Weymouth Water Treatment Plant. For more information, please visit City of Pasadena - Water Restrictions.
MONTHLY MEETING Wednesday, March 16, 2015 | 8:00am Corporate Center Pasadena 283 S. Lake Avenue, 1st Floor Conference Facility, Pasadena View Map!
Property owners and business owners located within the South Lake Business District are encouraged to attend association meetings. Click here to view SLBA meeting schedules. Click here to learn more about the South Lake Business Association. For more information regarding upcoming meetings, please visit www.southlakeavenue.org. *Meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change. Please visit www.southlakeavenue.org for updates. |
FEATURED SPACES! Interested in opening your business in the South Lake Avenue Business District? The South Lake Business Association can help!
Click to view a list of featured spaces at South Lake Leasing Opportunities.
Got News? April 2016 e-Newsletter submissions due by March 20th and accepted on a first come first serve basis. Subject to availability and editing.