10 Day Outdoor Watering Ban

Pasadena City Council recently declared a Level 4 Water Shortage Emergency during the temporary shutdown of a major regional water pipeline from March 18 to 27. The city will enforce a total ban on outdoor watering with very few exceptions until pipeline deliveries resume. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), which supplies about 60 percent of Pasadena’s water, is planning a seismic retrofit of the F.E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant in LaVerne and will stop all water deliveries to Pasadena and neighboring cities through its upper feeder pipeline during the project. For those 10 days, Pasadena must rely solely on its groundwater and reserves.

More information on the watering restrictions, tips on how to prepare and daily updates during the shutdown can be found at Water waste can be reported on the website and through the Water Shortage Hotline at 626-744-8888.