What’s New on South Lake Avenue


TravelStore’s professional travel agents tailor exceptional luxury vacations to help you explore your world, your way. They’re travelers too. TravelStore has stayed at the best resorts, traveled on the best cruises and vacation packages, and have had the transformative experiences they’ll recommend for you. TravelStore will help you discover the stories waiting to be told. TravelStore on South […]

Frank’s Shoe Repair

China Eastern Airlines

China Eastern Airlines is an exceptional way to fly. Their world-class service and state-of-the-art aircraft have contributed to their success. Experience a whole new way to fly in comfort and leisure with First Class, Business Class, and Economy Class.

Tip Top Cleaners

Tip Top Cleaners strives to make sure that the garments you need cleaned or repaired are done so in a professional manner. After one experience through Tip Top Cleaners, you will never need to look for dry cleaning services elsewhere. They offer a variety of services so you don’t ever have to shop around. Tip […]

South Lake Avenue Tailor

Fashion Cleaners and Tailoring

Fashion Cleaners uses the latest dry cleaning equipment to give their customers top quality garments every time. They inspect garments for missing buttons, tears, loose seams and replace or repair them all at no extra charge to you! The staff at Fashion Cleaners is here and ready to help you when you need them. They […]


Mailbox Planet

Whether you need an easy way to send your packages and mail or a convenient place to receive them, Mail Box Planet is the place for you!  They team with some of the nation’s top mail services to provide you with a convenient, secure spot to handle all of your mailing needs.